our values
Sequoia is built upon our three core values: Belonging, Following and Serving. Everything we do at Sequoia flows from these values. The best way to connect to our church is through our values.
a sunnyside neighborhood church
Sequoia is a neighborhood church, which means we are a faith community specifically called to love and care for the Sunnyside Neighborhood in Southeast Fresno.
Our mission is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the gospel of healing and forgiveness, to everyone in our neighborhood. We believe because we freely receive God's grace, we are called to freely extend it to others. Our hope is that in our neighborhood, every family and individual, every business and school, every friend and stranger, may know and experience God's redeeming work in their lives.
our beliefs
We are a Spirit-filled reformed church with a kingdom focus. We believe God's kingdom isn't just a future hope, but also exists as a present reality here and now,
We are part of a five-century-old denomination called the Reformed Church in America. Our churches express their faith through a number of creeds and confessions, which are also shared by many other churches and denominations all over the world.
We do want you to know what we believe, but what's more important is that you feel welcome no matter what you believe; because we don't unify around a set of beliefs, but around Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit. We truly feel you should belong before you believe.